Hawaii - Women’s Corrections Implementation Commission

Haw. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 615-1 (West)

Population: Adult

Legal Features: N/A

Law Type: Statute

Excerpt of Relevant Text:

(a) There is established within the judiciary, for administrative purposes, a commission to be known as the women’s corrections implementation commission. The commission shall:
(1) Develop and implement an evidence-based, gender-responsive plan to divert non-violent women offenders, especially those with minor children, from the criminal justice system;
(2) Ensure that the recommendations made in the final report of the House Concurrent Resolution No. 85 (2016) task force on prison reform to the legislature during the regular session of 2019 are implemented;
(3) Review existing local resources and programs focused on women in the justice system for their effectiveness and capacity for expansion; and
(4) Consider model programs that include residential, in-person and community-based rehabilitation programs, supportive and subsidized housing, restorative justice, and educational programs.

Read Full Text of Haw. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 615-1 (West)