Criminal Legal SystemReports and Briefs “New Zealand’s Youth Justice Transformation: Lessons for the United States” by National Juvenile Justice Network
Restorative Justice FoundationsReports and Briefs “A Report on the Relationship between Restorative Justice and Indigenous Legal Traditions in Canada” prepared for the Department of Justice Canada (2016)
Research & EvaluationResearch Articles “Restorative Justice Conferencing (RJC) Using Face-to-Face Meetings of Offenders and Victims: Effects on Offender Recidivism and Victim Satisfaction. A Systematic Review” for the Campbell Collaboration (2013)
Criminal Legal System, Restorative Justice FoundationsVideo “RJ101x” Series by WellingtonX Open Education (2018)
Criminal Legal SystemVideo “Recovering from Crime – Restorative Justice in Action” by the Restorative Justice Council (2015)
Criminal Legal System, ProgramsImplementation Guide Handbook on Restorative Justice Programmes, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (2006)