Maine - Confidentiality of Juvenile Case Records

Me. Rev. Stat. tit. 15, § 3308-C

Population: Youth

Legal Features: Confidentiality

Law Type: Statute

Excerpt of Relevant Text:

C. At the time a person adjudicated to have committed a juvenile crime other than a crime listed in paragraph A is finally discharged from the disposition imposed for that juvenile crime, the court, upon receipt of appropriate notice of the discharge, shall within 5 business days enter an order sealing from public inspection all records pertaining to the juvenile crime and its disposition. Appropriate notice that the juvenile is discharged from the disposition: […]
(2) Must be provided to the court by the office of the prosecuting attorney if disposition included restitution, community service or a restorative justice event and the court ordered that proof of completion of the obligation be provided to the office of the prosecuting attorney; or

Read Full Text of Me. Rev. Stat. tit. 15, § 3308-C