Illinois - Redeploy Illinois Program

730 Ill. Comp. Stat. Ann. 110/16.1

Population: Youth

Legal Features: N/A

Law Type: Statute

Excerpt of Relevant Text:

(b) Each county or circuit participating in the Redeploy Illinois program must create a local plan demonstrating how it will reduce the county or circuit’s utilization of secure confinement of juvenile offenders in the Illinois Department of Juvenile Justice or county detention centers by the creation or expansion of individualized services or programs that may include but are not limited to the following: […]
(3) Programs that seek to restore the offender to the community, such as victim offender panels, teen courts, competency building, enhanced accountability measures, restitution, and community service. The local plan must be directed in such a manner as to emphasize an individualized approach to providing services to juvenile offenders in an integrated community based system including probation as the broker of services. The plan must also detail the reduction in utilization of secure confinement. The local plan shall be limited to services and shall not include costs for: (i) capital expenditures; (ii) renovations or remodeling; (iii) personnel costs for probation.

Read Full Text of 730 Ill. Comp. Stat. Ann. 110/16.1