Illinois - Reducing Isolated Time Out, Time Out, and Physical Restraint Grants Program

105 Ill. Comp. Stat. Ann. 5/2-3.130


Legal Features: Funding

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Excerpt of Relevant Text:

(c) Subject to appropriation, the State Board shall, by adoption of emergency rules under subsection (rr) of Section 5-45 of the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act if it so chooses, create a grant program for school districts, special education nonpublic facilities approved under Section 14-7.02 of this Code, and special education cooperatives to implement school-wide, culturally sensitive, and trauma-informed practices, positive behavioral interventions and supports, and restorative practices within a multi-tiered system of support aimed at reducing the need for interventions, such as isolated time out, time out, and physical restraint. The State Board shall give priority in grant funding to those school districts, special education nonpublic facilities approved under Section 14-7.02 of this Code, and special education cooperatives that submit a plan to achieve a significant reduction or elimination in the use of isolated time out and physical restraint in less than 3 years.

Read Full Text of 105 Ill. Comp. Stat. Ann. 5/2-3.130