Vermont - Reparative Boards

28 V.S.A. § 910a

Population: All populations

Legal Features: Definition

Law Type: Statute

Excerpt of Relevant Text:

(d) Each board shall conduct its meetings in a manner that promotes safe interactions among an offender, victim or victims, and community members, and shall:
(1) In collaboration with the Department, municipalities, the courts, and other entities of the criminal justice system, implement the Restorative Justice Program of seeking to obtain offender accountability, repair harm and compensate a victim or victims and the community, increase an offender’s awareness of the effect of his or her behavior on a victim or victims and the community, and identify ways to help an offender comply with the law.
(2) Educate the public about, and promote community support for, the Restorative Justice Program.
(e) Each board shall have access to the central file of any offender required to participate with that board in the Restorative Justice Program.

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