California - Restorative Justice Framework

Cal. Educ. Code § 49414.4 (West)


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(a) It is the intent of the Legislature that, as part of a restorative justice framework, a school use alternatives to a referral of a pupil to a law enforcement agency in response to an incident involving the pupil’s misuse of an opioid, to the extent not in conflict with any other law requiring that referral. (b) It is further the intent of the Legislature that the Multi-Tiered System of Supports, which includes restorative justice practices, trauma-informed practices, social and emotional learning, and schoolwide positive behavior interventions and support, may be used to achieve the alternatives described in subdivision (a), in order to help pupils gain critical social and emotional skills, receive support to help transform trauma-related responses, understand the impact of their actions, and develop meaningful methods for repairing harm to the school community.

Read Full Text of Cal. Educ. Code § 49414.4 (West)