Population: All populations
Legal Features: N/A
Law Type: Statute
Excerpt of Relevant Text:
(1) The purposes of the restorative justice grant programs are to:
(a) promote the use of restorative justice practices throughout the state; and
(b) provide technical assistance to local and state jurisdictions and organizations interested in implementing the principles of restorative justice.
(2) For the purposes of this part, the term “restorative justice” means criminal justice practices that elevate the role of crime victims and community members in the criminal justice process, hold offenders directly accountable to the people and communities they have harmed, restore emotional and material losses, and provide a range of opportunities for victim, offender, and community dialogue, negotiation, and problem solving to bring about a greater sense of justice, repair harm, provide restitution, reduce incarceration and recidivism rates, and increase public safety.