Population: All populations
Legal Features: N/A
Law Type: Statute
Excerpt of Relevant Text:
Restorative justice practices, restorative justice services, or restorative justice programs include, but are not limited to, victim youth conferences, victim-offender mediation, family group conferences, circles, peer-to-peer mediation, truancy mediation, victim or community panels, and community conferences. Restorative justice programs may involve restorative projects or classes and facilitated meetings attended voluntarily by the victim, the victim’s representatives, or a victim surrogate and the victim’s supporters, as well as the youth or adult individual who caused harm and that individual’s supporters, whether voluntarily or following a referral for assessment by court order. These meetings may also include community members, when appropriate. By engaging the parties to the offense or harm in voluntary dialogue, restorative justice provides an opportunity for healing for the victim and the individual who harmed the victim by:
Read Full Text of R.R.S. Neb. § 25-2912.01