New York - Training of Employees in Corrections on Restorative Justice: Changing Solitary Confinement

2021 N.Y. ALS 93 , 2021 N.Y. Laws 93 , 2021 N.Y. Ch. 93 , 2021 N.Y. AB 2277


Legal Features: Definition

Law Type: Statute

Excerpt of Relevant Text:

All special housing unit, keeplock unit and residential rehabilitation unit staff and their supervisors shall undergo a minimum of thirty-seven hours and thirty minutes of training prior to assignment to such unit, and twenty-one hours of additional training annually thereafter, on substantive content developed in consultation with relevant experts, on topics including, but not limited to, the purpose and goals of the non-punitive therapeutic environment, trauma-informed care, restorative justice, and dispute resolution methods. Prior to presiding over any hearings, all hearing officers shall undergo a minimum of thirty-seven hours and thirty minutes of training, with one additional day of training annually thereafter, on relevant topics, including but not limited to, the physical and psychological effects of segregated confinement, procedural and due process rights of the accused, and restorative justice remedies.

Read Full Text of 2021 N.Y. ALS 93 , 2021 N.Y. Laws 93 , 2021 N.Y. Ch. 93 , 2021 N.Y. AB 2277