Various Artists: The Goddess Of Time

Various Artists: The Goddess Of Time

The Goddess of Time by Bourama Diarra, Giulia Villa, Alessia Carboni (Fabrizio De Andrè artistic high school), involved by the Team of Restorative Justice Practices of University of Sassari through Fadoua Choute


Our drawing represents the goddess of time. Because time is the real judge in a process of justice. The idea is to represent what RJ has done over time and what it could/will do over time. As students, the RJ experience in Tempio Pausania has strengthened our ideas and provided new ones. In RJ practices, time is crucial for those involved: once the offer of RJ is made, people may take their time to be ready to engage in a face-to-face encounter, and this is possible thanks to the flexibility of RJ practices and professionals.