Population: All populations
Legal Features: N/A
Law Type: Statute
Excerpt of Relevant Text:
(7) Beginning January 1, 2021, all prosecutorial agencies shall publish specific office policies. If the agency does not maintain a policy on a topic in this subsection, the agency shall affirmatively disclose that fact. Policies shall be published online on the following topics:
(a) screening and filing criminal charges;
(b) plea bargains;
(c) sentencing recommendations;
(d) discovery practices;
(e) prosecution of juveniles, including whether to prosecute a juvenile as an adult;
(f) collection of fines and fees;
(g) criminal and civil asset forfeiture practices;
(h) services available to victims of crime, both internal to the prosecutorial office and by referral to outside agencies;
(i) diversion programs; and
(j) restorative justice programs.