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Final Report: Three-Day Planning Summit to Explore Infusing the Region 6 Mid-Coast Maine Adult Treatment Court with Restorative Justice Principles & Practices

As part of Restorative Justice Month 2023, the National Center on Restorative Justice is excited to share a new resource to help support research to advance restorative justice. This resource includes an annotated bibliography of empirical studies on restorative justice in the context of the U.S. criminal legal system, published in English in the years 2000 – 2023. Empirical studies are those that include direct observations or measurement of restorative justice practices and programs. This list includes peer-reviewed sources, such as scholarly research publications, as well as non-peer reviewed or grey literature sources such as program evaluations, agency reports, and summaries from grant-funded RJ activities.

Annotated Bibliography, prepared by the National Center on Restorative Justice (2023)

As part of Restorative Justice Month 2023, the National Center on Restorative Justice is excited to share a new resource to help support research to advance restorative justice. This resource includes an annotated bibliography of empirical studies on restorative justice in the context of the U.S. criminal legal system, published in English in the years 2000 – 2023. Empirical studies are those that include direct observations or measurement of restorative justice practices and programs. This list includes peer-reviewed sources, such as scholarly research publications, as well as non-peer reviewed or grey literature sources such as program evaluations, agency reports, and summaries from grant-funded RJ activities.